A blog from the Chicago Canine Academy.

Dog's Big Life.

A dog's life is a fraction of ours. We believe in making it a big, whole chunk of life. We write about the importance of training, safety, nutrition, and all around fun with all of the adorable dog content you can handle.
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Big Life
5 min read

Exercise and your dog

You’ve heard this a thousand times, so you know the drill: a healthy body results in a healthy mind. However, this isn’t just true for you. It’s also true for pets...
Big Life
5 min read

Signs your dog needs professional help

Bringing home your new four-legged friend will likely be one of the best days of your life. But as exciting as this is, it may also be intimidating, especially if you have never owned a dog before.
Raising Canine
5 min read

Does your dog need daycare?

Let’s face it: our dogs are like our children. They are essential family members that make our lives better.
Raising Canine
5 min read

Reasons your dog is drinking more water than normal.

With the weather finally warming up, it is once again possible to take our dogs outside without bundling up in our winter gear.
5 min read

Don't shave your double-coated dog

With temperatures warming up, we see many dogs that come to our dog boarding in Chicago that are shaved...
5 min read

Common Dog Training Mistakes

Even if you’ve had a dog before, the process of training can be intimidating...